San Remo in Fiore 2025 : un festival floral enchanteur

San Remo se prépare à vivre une édition extraordinaire de San Remo in Fiore, le célèbre défilé des fleurs, un long cortège de chars décorés de millions de fleurs de toutes les couleurs. Pendant le défilé des fleurs, chaque ville de la Riviera italienne présentera une composition originale de fleurs sur une voiture mobile de style Carnaval/Mardi-Gras. Cette année le thème principal sera « Riviera dei Fiori – Jardin d’Europe », une ode à la beauté et à la diversité florale qui font de la Ligurie une destination unique en son genre. Pour la première fois, la fête s’étendra sur quatre jours, du 13 au 16 mars, avec un programme riche en animations et spectacles.

Un parcours enchanteur et des chars d’exception

Le cœur de l’événement sera Piazza Colombo, où une structure spéciale accueillera le char hors concours de la municipalité de San Remo ainsi que celui de Pompeiana, vainqueur de l’édition précédente. De là, le cortège traversera les lieux emblématiques de la ville :

  • Via Matteotti, l’avenue élégante bordée de boutiques et de cafés historiques
  • Piazza Borea, sublimée pour l’occasion par une reconstitution d’une agrumeraie et d’une oliveraie, rappelant le paysage traditionnel de la Ligurie
  • Le centre historique de La Pigna, avec ses ruelles pittoresques et son atmosphère unique
  • Le Forte di Santa Tecla, théâtre d’expositions et d’animations autour du tressage des paniers, autrefois utilisés pour transporter les fleurs
  • Le Théâtre Ariston, lieu mythique du Festival de Sanremo
  • Le Casino municipal, qui pourrait, pour la première fois, participer au cortège avec un char spécial célébrant son 120ᵉ anniversaire. Le Casino de San Remo, en plus de son éventuelle participation au défilé, accueillera une exposition dédiée aux producteurs de fleurs locaux, tandis qu’une mise en scène florale spectaculaire embellira sa façade.

Un programme festif et musical

La musique occupera une place centrale dans les festivités, avec notamment :

  • Un concert exceptionnel de l’Orchestre Symphonique de San Remo au Théâtre Ariston
  • Un spectacle en direct du chanteur Massimo Ranieri, figure emblématique de la chanson italienne
  • Des animations musicales et performances artistiques dans les rues de la ville

San Remo in Fiore : une expérience unique à ne pas manquer !

San Remo in Fiore 2025 promet une immersion inoubliable au cœur de la tradition florale ligure. Il s’agira une expérience vraiment intense qui attirera des milliers de visiteurs. Et si vous tombiez sous le charme de San Remo et de sa douceur de vivre ? Cette ville dynamique et élégante, entre mer et collines verdoyantes, est l’endroit idéal pour investir dans l’immobilier en Ligurie. Découvrez nos plus belles propriétés à vendre à San Remo et laissez-vous séduire par la magie de la Riviera italienne !

Pour plus d’informations, n’hésitez pas à visiter notre site web :

San Remo Music Festival 2025: Celebrating 75 years of Musical Excellence

The 75th edition of the San Remo Music Festival, scheduled from February 11 to 15, 2025, at the iconic Teatro Ariston, promises to be a landmark event in Italian musical heritage.

A Rich Tradition

Since its establishment in 1951, the San Remo Music Festival (Festival della Canzone Italiana di Sanremo) has played a central role in shaping Italy’s musical heritage, introducing a lot of artists who have become icons. The festival also served as the inspiration for the Eurovision Song Contest, with many San Remo winners representing Italy on the global stage.

What to Expect from the 2025 Edition

Under the artistic direction and hosting of Carlo Conti, returning after his previous tenures, the festival will feature 30 established artists in the “Campioni” category and reintroduce the “Nuove Proposte” section with four emerging talents.

Participants and Performances

This year’s lineup includes a blend of seasoned performers and rising stars, each presenting original compositions. Notable participants include:

  • Achille Lauro: Known for his eclectic style, blending pop, rock, and punk elements.
  • Giorgia: Celebrating over three decades in music, her return to the Ariston stage is highly anticipated.
  • Francesca Michielin: A versatile artist who previously represented Italy at Eurovision.
  • Massimo Ranieri: A legendary figure with a career spanning several decades.

Each evening will feature performances evaluated by both jury members and the viewing public, culminating on the final night where the winner will be announced.

Hosts and Co-Hosts

Carlo Conti will be accompained by various co-hosts throughout the festival’s five nights, including:

  • Katia Follesa: A celebrated comedian and television presenter, expected to bring her signature humor to the Ariston stage.
  • Geppi Cucciari: Celebrated for her wit and charm, anticipated to co-host one of the evenings.
  • Serena Rossi: An talented actress and singer, whose presence is expected to enhance the festival’s appeal.
  • Mahmood: The acclaimed singer-songwriter, known for his previous Sanremo victories, rumored to co-host one of the nights.
  • Alessandro Cattelan: Confirmed as the co-host for the final night, also leading the “DopoFestival” segment.

These co-hosts bring diverse talents, contributing to a dynamic and engaging festival experience.

Special Guests

Although the festival traditionally features a range of special guests, official announcements regarding international or Italian artists for the 2025 edition are yet to be confirmed. Speculations suggest potential appearances by prominent figures, but for the most accurate and up-to-date information, it is advisable to refer to official festival communications.

Cultural and Economic Impact

Beyond its musical acclaim, the San Remo Music Festival significantly boosts local tourism and the economy. The influx of visitors during the festival period benefits local businesses, including hotels, restaurants, and shops, while extensive media coverage highlights the charm of San Remo and the broader Ligurian Riviera.

Discover San Remo with LiguriaHomes Casamare

As proud members of the Sanremo community, LiguriaHomes Casamare invites you to immerse yourself in the festival’s vibrant atmosphere. Our Sanremo real estate office, located near the Teatro Ariston, is open to assist you in exploring the unique lifestyle and opportunities this enchanting city offers.

Whether you’re a music enthusiast, a prospective homebuyer, or a visitor seeking to experience San Remo’s cultural richness, we welcome you to discover the allure of the Italian Riviera with us.

For more information, feel free to visit our website:

10 причин, почему стоит купить недвижимость в Лигурии, Италия

Регион Лигурия, а именно, западная его часть, расположенный в северной части Италии, также известен как Лигурийская Ривьера, привлекает покупателей недвижимости благодаря множеству разлчиных факторов.

Вот десять основных из них, почему стоит рассмотреть возможность покупки и/или инвестирования в недвижимость именно Западной Лигурии:

  1. Самый лучший в Италии климат: уже на протяжении нескольких лет подряд, именно Западная Лигурия, удостаивается такой чести. Она известна своим мягким, характерным, средиземноморским климатом с температурами от +28°C в летний период времени до +10°C – в зимний. Именно благодарся таким климатическим особенностям, это место считается идеальной локацией для жизни и отдыха.
  2. Множество и разнобразие пляжей: географически и истоически, так сложилось, что именно в регионе Лигурия, Севера Италии, имеются различные типы пляжей: галечные – превалирующие по всему побережью, в частности, в таких известных курортах, как Сан-Ремо, Бордигера, Портофино, Санта Маргарита и прочие. Песчаные, находящиеся преимущественно в Алассио, Андоре, Дтиано Марина, частично в Сан-Ремо. Такое разнобразие позволяет выбрать наиболее благоприятное место для отдыха, подходящее для каждого отдыхающего.
  3. Развитая инфраструктура: одно из неопровержимых преимещуств региона Лигурия заключается в том, что он обладает хорошей и широко развитой транспортной сетью, включающей в себя международные аэропорты в Ницце, Генуе, Милане, а также, небольшой аэропорт в Албенге, благодаря чему обеспечивается легкий доступ к региону со всех уголков планеты.
  4. Кулинария и гастрономия: локальная кухня широко представлена и известна наличием свежих морепродуктов, оливок и оливкового масла (считающегося одним из самых качесвтенных в мире). Безусловно, это деалет Западную Лигурию очень привлекательным местом для гурманов вкуса и высокой кухни.
  5. Выгодная и удобная локация: за счет своего удобней геолокации, регион Западная Лигурия, граничит с Французской Ривьерой, что позволяет в считанные минуты добраться до таких известных городов и курортов, как Ницца, Монако, Канны, Сан-Тропе, а также, до промышленного центра регион – города Генуя. Кроме того, практически любая точка на карте Европы может достигнута всего за 1,5-3 часа полета из одного из международных аэропортов: Ниццы или Генуи.
  6. Высокий потенциал инвестиционной привлекательности: регион Лигурия всегда был и до сих пор остаётся популярным направлением для покупателей со всех стран. А благодрая тому, что цены на недвижимость в Лигурии остаются на стабильном уровне – это является еще большим показателем того, почему инвесторы и просто частные лица имеют тенденцию покупать недвижимость: дома, квартиры, таунхаусы, недострои, земельные участки в Западной Лигурии.
  7. Природные ресурсы и активный отдых: регион Западная Лигурия также известен своими невероятно живописными природными ландшафтами, включающими в себя национальные парки, с возможностями трекинга, экотуризма, горных велосипедов и прочего.
  8. Историческое, культурное наследие: Лигурия, как, впрочем, и вся Италия, богата своими памятниками архитектуры и истории, многие из которых взяты под защиту ЮНЕСКО. Также, регион насыщен многочисленными культурными событиями, знаменит своими музеями и фестивалями (особенно славиться песенный фестиваль Сан-Ремо).
  9. Экология: многие районы и локации в Лигурии защищены находятся под охраной как национальные парки и заповедники, что делает этот регион идеальным для любителей природы.
  10. Разнобразие и досупность недвижимости: купить недвижимость в Лигурии, Италия – просто! Мы поможем найти варианты на любой вкус и бюджет: от апартаментов с видом на море до роскошных, фешенебльных вилл с бассейнами и садам.

Ищете и хотите купить или арендовать недвижимость в Лигурии, Италия, свяжитесь с нами по имейл: или же по телефону: +39 328 196 93 18 и найдем самый подходящий для Вас вариант!

Buying property in Italy as a Canadian citizen: 2025 Guide

Italy’s rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture make it an attractive destination for Canadian citizens looking to buy a property. Whether you’re searching for a vacation home, a retirement haven, or a safe investment, understanding the rules of purchasing real estate in Italy is crucial.

This guide addresses the top frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help Canadian buyers in navigating the Italian property market, incorporating the latest legislative updates.

1. Can Canadian citizens legally purchase property in Italy?

Yes, Canadian citizens can legally purchase property in Italy, but restrictions now apply as a result of reciprocity with Canada’s “Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act,” effective January 1, 2023. These restrictions align with the limitations Canada imposes on foreign buyers. However, Canadian citizens may still qualify to buy property if they meet specific exceptions.

2. What are the exceptions that allow Canadians to buy property in Italy?

Canadian citizens must meet at least one of the following exceptions to purchase property in Italy:

  • The property is located in a municipality (“Comune”) with fewer than 10,000 residents, unless near a major metropolitan area, where restrictions may apply.
  • The purchase involves transfers by death, separation, divorce, or gift, which are not subject to the ban.
  • The buyer holds long-term Italian immigration status.
  • The buyer is a dual citizen holding an EU passport in addition to Canadian citizenship.
  • The buyer is purchasing the property with a spouse or civil union partner who is an EU citizen or an Italian permanent resident.

If none of these exceptions apply, purchasing residential property in Italy may be restricted.

3. Where can Canadians buy property in Italy?

Canadian citizens can purchase property in municipalities (“Comuni”) with fewer than 10,000 residents. However, restrictions may still apply if the property is located near a major metropolitan area. It’s essential to confirm the location’s eligibility with a real estate professional before proceeding.

4. How does the property purchase process work in Italy?

Buying a property in Italy is a highly regulated and formal process, with distinct contractual standards and negotiation practices. It typically involves:

  • Offer and Acceptance: A formal and binding agreement between buyer and seller.
  • Preliminary Contract (“Compromesso”): A more detailes binding contract outlining all terms of sale.
  • Final Deed (“Atto/Rogito Notarile”): Signed in front of an Italian Notary, at which point the balance of the payment is made, the keys are handed over, and the deed is registered in the Public/Land Registry.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, visit our Buying Guide to learn everything you need to know about purchasing a property in Italy.

5. Are there residency requirements for Canadian property owners in Italy?

Owning property in Italy does not automatically grant residency. Canadian citizens can stay in Italy for up to 90 days within a 180-day period without a visa. For longer stays, a visa or residency permit is required. Common options include:

  • Elective Residency Visa: Ideal for retirees looking to enjoy the Italian lifestyle full-time.
  • Work or Study Visa: For individuals relocating to Italy for employment or education.

If you’re a remote worker, Italy’s Digital Nomad Visa offers an exciting opportunity to live and work in the country while enjoying its breathtaking scenery. Learn more in our blog: Italy’s New Digital Nomad Visa: A Gateway to La Dolce Vita.

6. What financing options are available for Canadian buyers?

Canadian buyers have several financing options:

  • Italian Mortgages: Some Italian banks offer mortgages to non-residents, though terms may be more stringent and may require a higher down payment. Understanding the local mortgage system is crucial, and working with an experienced broker can make the process smoother. To dive deeper into the process, read our blog: Getting a Mortgage in Italy: A Comprehensive Guide.
  • Canadian Financing: Buyers can secure financing through Canadian lenders, such as home equity loans or cross-border mortgage services.
  • Currency Exchange Considerations: Exchange rate fluctuations can impact the cost of purchasing and maintaining a property. Working with a reputable currency exchange provider can help secure favorable rates and reduce financial risks.


Buying property in Italy as a Canadian citizen is an exciting and rewarding venture, offering you the chance to enjoy “la dolce vita” in one of the world’s most beautiful countries. Liguria, often referred to as the Italian Riviera, stands out as an exceptional destination for property investment.

Why choose West Liguria?
West Liguria offers a unique combination of stunning coastal scenery, historic towns, and a mild Mediterranean climate. The region is home to glamorous seaside towns such as Sanremo and Bordighera, and charming inland areas dotted with olive groves and vineyards. Its strategic location, bordering France, allows easy access to Monaco, the French Riviera, and major European cities.

The region is conveniently located near Nice International Airport (NCE), which provides direct flights to Canada, making it an ideal choice for Canadians seeking easy connectivity between their homes in Italy and North America.

For those seeking a second home, retirement haven, or investment property, West Liguria provides excellent options, from luxurious villas with sea views to quaint townhouses and modern apartments. Its culinary delights, vibrant culture, and strong community make it a perfect destination to call home.

With decades of experience in Liguria’s real estate market, LiguriaHomes Casamare is your trusted partner in finding the perfect property in Liguria. Our expertise, local knowledge, and personalized service ensure a smooth and stress-free buying experience.

Start your journey today by exploring our listings or contacting our team for tailored advice. Let us help you make your dream of owning property in Italy a reality!

Spend Halloween in Triora, the city of witches

Don’t miss the unique opportunity to feel the real Halloween spirit!

Mark your calendars: the fabled “City of Witches,” Triora, will celebrate Halloween on October 31, 2024. This is a unique chance to fully immerse yourself in a celebration that goes beyond simple costumes and treats, offering a fascinating tour through the history and culture of one of Italy’s most mysterious towns.

When we think of Halloween, images of carved pumpkins, eerie costumes, and spooky decorations come to mind. However, in Italy, especially in Triora, Halloween takes on a deeper, more enigmatic meaning.

Triora: the city of witches

Triora’s intriguing nickname stems from historical events dating back to the 16th century. During this time, the town was the setting for notorious witch trials, leading to the persecution of women accused of practicing black magic. This history has left an indelible mark on Triora, transforming it into a place of mystery and fascination – a topic of significant interest for historians and enthusiasts of witchcraft.

Each year, the municipality of Triora, in collaboration with local organizations, hosts an array of Halloween events. These activities are open to the public, free of charge, and require no reservation. From kid-friendly workshops to live performances by various artists, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Event highlights for Halloween 2024

This year’s Halloween celebration in Triora promises a memorable experience. Here’s a glimpse of the main events:

Guided Tours and Historical Walks: Take a journey through the ancient alleys of Triora, led by expert guides sharing stories of the town’s past and the infamous witch trials.

Workshops for Children: Creative and engaging activities designed to captivate young visitors.

Evening Performances: Various artists will take the stage, providing a lively atmosphere and an immersive experience for all ages.

For a full program and more details, visit to see the latest event updates and activities planned for this Halloween season.

Historical background of Triora

Nestled in the Ligurian hinterland, just a few kilometers from the coast, Triora is an ancient village with a rich past. Though its origins date back to Roman times, Triora rose to prominence in the Middle Ages due to its strategic location and commercial significance.

Triora today

Today, Triora is a beloved tourist destination, especially during Halloween. Visitors can immerse themselves in the town’s storied history by participating in cultural events, exploring local museums, and visiting historical sites. Among the key attractions is the Ethnographic and Witchcraft Museum, which provides a deep dive into the history of witchcraft and the region’s unique traditions.

Halloween in Triora is not merely a celebration—it’s an invitation to delve into a fascinating culture. Whether you’re eager to learn more about the lore of witches or simply seeking an unforgettable Halloween experience, Triora is the place to be.

For those enchanted by Triora’s history and charm, why not make a part of it your own? LiguriaHomes Casamare presents a remarkable town house located in the heart of Triora, ideal for anyone captivated by the allure of this historic “City of Witches.” Imagine owning a property rich in mystique, surrounded by breathtaking landscapes, and becoming part of Liguria’s enduring heritage. Discover more about this exclusive listing here and experience the magic of Triora that could soon be yours.

Welcome to the Cycling Riviera

Discovering the Cycling Riviera: a unique way to explore Liguria

Liguria, a wonderful region known for its Mediterranean landscapes and unique micro-climate, is not just a dream destination for sun and food lovers but also a paradise for cycling enthusiasts. The Cycling Riviera provides a fantastic opportunity to discover the beautiful coastline, picturesques villages, and panoramic landscapes while staying active and eco-friendly. Whether you’re an experienced cyclist or a beginner looking for a relaxed ride, the Ligurian coast has something to offer everyone.

The Cycling Riviera: What to Expect

The Cycling Riviera in Liguria is a 27 km dedicated cycling route that runs along the stunning coastline, built on the ex railway line that once connected coastal towns. This makes for a flat, easy-to-ride path, perfect for cyclists of all levels. Starting from the bustling town of Ospedaletti and continuing through to San Remo, and other charming coastal villages up to Imperia, the route offers spectacular views of the Ligurian Sea, lush vegetation, and charming towns.

Currently, work is underway to continue the cycle path first to Diano Marina and then to Cervo, San Bartolomeo al mare, up to the new Andora station; at that point, the cycle path will be over 40 km long, making it one of the longest in Europe.

One of the highlights of the Cycling Riviera is the perfect blend of cycling and sightseeing. Along the route, riders can stop to enjoy pristine beaches, sample local cuisine, or visit historic sites. The route is also well-equipped with facilities such as bike rental stations, rest stops, and cafes, making it an ideal option for a day trip or even a multi-day cycling adventure.

Key Stops Along the Riviera

  • Ospedaletti: The journey begins in Ospedaletti, a small coastal town known for its lovely beaches and relaxed atmosphere. Here, you can take in the Mediterranean views and enjoy the local culinary delights before beginning your ride.
  • San Remo: The cycling path takes you through the famous city of Sanremo, known for its luxury lifestyle and cultural attractions, including the annual Sanremo Music Festival. Cyclists can take a break to visit historic city center, enjoy a coffee in one of the charming squares, or explore the botanical gardens.
  • Santo Stefano al Mare: This enchanting town offers a perfect combination of history and natural beauty. Known for its olive oil production, you can take a detour to explore the ancient olive groves or visit one of the local markets to taste Liguria’s finest products.

A eco-friendly Way to Explore Liguria

Cycling is not only a great and engaging way to discover Liguria, it is also in line with the region’s commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation. The Cycling Riviera promotes eco-friendly tourism by encouraging visitors to explore the area without the use of cars, reducing traffic and pollution. Whether you are cycling for fitness, sightseeing, or simply to enjoy the fresh sea air, this route offers an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional forms of transportation

Plan Your Cycling Adventure

Whether you’re staying in a luxury villa or a charming seaside apartment, LiguriaHomes Casamare offers a range of properties for sale in Liguria ideally located for easy access to the Cycling Riviera. Our offices, situated in the most beautiful towns of Western Liguria, are available to help you find your dream home, so you can experience the beauty of Liguria both on and off the bike.

Ready to explore the Cycling Riviera? Contact us today at LiguriaHomes Casamare for more information about properties in the area and how you can make this cycling paradise your home.