West Liguria: The Best Climate in Italy According to Reports

Experience Perfect Weather Year-Round in West Liguria

The Province of Imperia, located in the picturesque West Liguria, boasts the best climate in Italy. According to a detailed report by Corriere della Sera and iLMeteo.it, which analyzed 17 parameters and over 380 million data points from 2000 to 2023, this area emerged as having the most favorable weather conditions among Italian provincial capitals.

Key Highlights of the Province of Imperia’s Climate

  1. Mild Winters and Warm Summers: The climate is characterized by mild winters and warm, sunny summers. Even in December, residents and visitors can enjoy beach outings, with Christmas often resembling a spring day.
  2. Low Cloud Cover: The area enjoys low cloud cover, with daytime cloudiness at just 30%, a figure that has remained stable for over two decades.
  3. Stable Temperatures: The annual temperature variation is minimal, with a stable and comfortable climate year-round, ideal for outdoor activities and events.
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West Liguria Tops Blue Flags 2024

Liguria again tops the regional table with 34 blue flags

Clean waters, indeed “excellent”, pristine clear sea and beaches equipped with services, accessible to all and safe: West Liguria maintains its status as a pioneer in sustainable coastline management in 2024, shining once more as a light of environmental excellence in Italy. The Italian Riviera has successfully kept its Blue Flag certification this year, with the highest number of Blue Flag beaches in Italy, demonstrating the dedication to upholding impeccable beach standards and a superior marine environment.

Liguria is followed  from far away by Apulia (24 flags), Campania and Calabria (both with 20 flags), Marche (19 flags), Tuscany (18 flags), Sardinia (15 flags), Abruzzo (15 flags), Sicily (14 flags), Trentino (12 flags), Lazio (10 flags), Emilia Romagna and Veneto (both with 9 flags), Basilicata and Piemonte (both with 5 flags), Lombardia (3 flags), Friuli and Molise (both with 2 flags).

La Spiaggetta dei Balzi Rossi

Blue Flags are international distinctions, created in 1987, with patronage and support from UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Tourism Organisation, which aims to promote a sustainable development at beaches and marinas through strict criteria such as water quality, environmental management, safety and services provided close to or within the beach area. To the Blue Flag Programme participate beaches and marinas in 41 countries of all the world.

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Aperçu et prévisions du marché immobilier en Ligurie occidentale, Italie

Dynamiques et tendances du secteur immobilier de la Ligurie occidentale

“De 2015 à 2023, l’aperçu immobilier de la Ligurie occidentale, en Italie, a affiché une évolution convaincante de la dynamique des transactions, marquée par une interaction entre les acheteurs italiens et étrangers, et un attrait croissant pour les biens immobiliers de premier ordre de la région.” selon Matteo Scandolera, directeur général de LiguraHomes Casamare.

Au départ, le marché de la Ligurie présentait un attrait équilibré pour les clients italiens et internationaux. Cependant, un changement s’est produit au fil du temps, avec une augmentation constante des transactions internationales, renforçant la position croissante de la Ligurie occidentale sur la scène mondiale.

“Cette augmentation témoigne de la désirabilité de la Riviera italienne, motivée par son style de vie, sa culture et son potentiel d’investissement. Au fur et à mesure de l’évolution du marché, la répartition des transactions entre acheteurs italiens et étrangers s’est stabilisée, ce qui témoigne de l’attrait exercé par les différentes catégories démographiques”, note M. Scandolera.

Nouveaux développements maritimes redéfinissent le paysage côtier de la Ligurie

Récemment, des investissements ont été réalisés dans des ports de plaisance nouveaux et améliorés le long de la côte de la Riviera italienne. L’opérateur de ports de plaisance haut de gamme D-Marin a racheté deux nouvelles marinas, Marina degli Aregai, l’une des plus grandes de Ligurie avec 961 postes d’amarrage, et Marina di San Lorenzo avec 268 postes d’amarrage.

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Premier International School Opening Soon in West Liguria

The renowned international education services provider Chatsworth Schools and Marina Development Corporation (MDC), a pioneer in urban regeneration focused on regions associated with tourism ports and leisure, have announced a ground-breaking partnership. With this collaboration, an international school will soon be established on the Borgo del Forte Campus in Ventimiglia. This initiative is in line with MDC’s larger goal of reviving the Ventimiglia waterfront.

Credits: Marina Development Corporation

A key component of the area’s revitalization, this international school is expected to start in September 2026, subject to clearance from the Municipal Council. It will be a part of the renovation of the old Campasso railway yard, which will turn a 42,000 square metre area into a flourishing centre for community and education. The school is positioned as a distinctive educational destination for students from the neighbouring regions, including Genoa, Monaco and Nice, because of its strategic position behind the naturalistic area at the mouth of the Nervia River.

Up to 800 students between the ages of 3 and 18 can be accommodated on the campus in a multi-story building that is surrounded by a public park. In addition to meeting educational demands, the facility will provide substantial sporting facilities that are open to the public, such as a contemporary gym, an indoor pool and a multipurpose space for different activities.

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Dix bonnes raisons de visiter San Remo

San Remo, Ligurie


Notre climat est extraordinairement doux pendant toutes les saisons. La ville est entourée de collines et d’une riche végétation méditerranéenne, située sur un golfe de la mer Ligure. Ces caractéristiques ont contribué à en faire l’une des stations balnéaires les plus réputées d’Europe, en fait, Nice, avec son aéroport international, est à seulement 60 km. L’eau de mer chaude et propre, les belles plages, les couleurs vives et lumineuses du paysage, les installations qui permettent aux visiteurs de pratiquer plusieurs sports aquatiques et la possibilité d’observer les cétacés dans leur habitat naturel garantissent aux visiteurs des vacances agréables et relaxantes.


La ligne de chemin de fer de la Riviera a été conçue pour longer le littoral lors de sa construction au XIXe siècle. Ensuite, la voie ferrée principale a été déplacée en souterrain et l’ancienne ligne a été transformée en une piste cyclable sans circulation offrant une vue presque ininterrompue sur la mer pendant environ 24 kilomètres. Les cyclistes, les piétons et les joggeurs apprécient tous cette route côtière sans voiture, parsemée de palmiers, de jardins et de cafés en bord de mer. À San Remo, il existe une multitude de points de location de vélos, ce qui rend la ville idéale pour les cyclistes de tous les niveaux.


La ville surplombe la mer et les visiteurs peuvent se promener sur toute sa longueur en restant connectés à la mer. Le port séculaire est resté actif pour accueillir les bateaux de pêcheurs, tandis que le nouveau port de plaisance de Portosole accueille des centaines de yachts du monde entier.

Continue reading Dix bonnes raisons de visiter San Remo

Culinary delights in the heart of West Liguria’s countryside

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of the West Liguria countryside lies a hidden gem that extends beyond the allure of rustic charm and scenic beauty—the region’s exquisite culinary scene. For those fortunate enough to call this idyllic countryside home, the local restaurants offer an unparalleled experience that marries traditional flavors with a modern twist.

Credit: Umami Restaurant – Badalucco

All the small villages in our countryside offer a unique combination of life and cuisine. Here are our top 3 selections of restaurants and properties:

Buena Vista Restaurant in Cipressa (https://www.cipressa.com/), a mix of old and traditional flavors mixed with a contemporary style, all blessed by a stunning sea view. Exactly like the real estate opportunities created by a mix of old townhouses and extraordinary Villas. This is our proposal: https://www.liguriahomes.com/en/i-2286-sale-villa-cipressa/

U’ Titti restaurant in Lingueglietta (https://www.facebook.com/dautitti/?locale=it_IT), if you are searching for a Chef who knows perfectly how to put traditional cuisine into modern dishes, this is your place. This villa is an example of how modern furnishings and energy-efficient solutions can bring an old property into the future. This is our proposal: https://www.liguriahomes.com/en/i-2297-sale-villa-cipressa/

Umami restaurant in Badalucco (https://www.umamirestaurant.it/), this name means everything of the chef’s idea, using the know-how of worldwide travel to search for the perfect flavors using traditional ingredients. Our real estate proposal in Badalucco is a cozy Villa totally renovated to search for the perfect meeting point of traditional charm and modern solution, just 15 minutes drive from the sandy beaches or 45 minutes drive from the starting trek for the highest mountain point of the Ligurian Alps. https://www.liguriahomes.com/en/i-2285-sale-villa-badalucco/

If you are looking for a place to feel at home, the West Ligurian countryside awaits you.

To know more about West Liguria countryside please call us: +3901841753348 or visit www.liguriahomes.com