Is now a good time to buy a house in Italy?

If you are looking to purchase a home in 2022, Italy could be the place to go. The pandemic has boosted demand in what was already one of the most popular places in the world for second home purchasers – especially Scandinavians, North Americans, and Brits.

Owning a second property in Italy, particularly in Liguria, has several important advantages, ranging from tax incentives to a better quality of life.

The “Flat Tax for Wealthy Foreigners“, which was launched in 2017 to encourage foreign investors, has now evolved into a consolidated instrument to attract wealthy families looking for a home not only for our “Dolce Vita,” but also for tax reasons. This Flat Tax makes Italy a worthy rival to Spain, Portugal, and Switzerland in terms of tax residences and luring investments, acting as an incentive for high-net-worth persons to relocate their tax residences.

Furthermore Italy, and particularly region Liguria, is a safe refuge with low crime rates. Many of the disadvantages of the modern global environment appear to be non-existent at times. When you add in a unique combination of various terrains, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of buying a home in Italy sooner. And along the Italian Riviera there are plenty of lovely coastal destinations to choose from.

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Agencia inmobiliaria Liguria

Agenzia Casamare Liguriahomes es una agencia inmobiliaria situada en la Riviera de la Flores, en la parte occidental de Liguria que va desde la frontera con la Francia y el Principado de Mónaco hasta la provincia de Savona.
Liguria es la mejor combinación de Italia: hermosas playas, excelente gastronomía, cascos antiguos, bellezas naturales y arquitectónicas.

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Die Dörfer des Hinterlandes von Imperia


Die ligurische Riviera ist für ihre Küste bekannt und geschätzt. Mit ihren Stränden, dem kristallklaren Meer und den kleinen Städten, die in den Wintermonaten eine gemütliche Atmosphäre und in den Sommermonaten eine einnehmende Lebendigkeit bieten, ist sie ein beliebtes Ziel für jung und alt.

Nicht jeder weiß jedoch, dass es im ligurischen Hinterland eine Reihe von kleinen Dörfern mit ausgeprägtem historischem Charakter gibt, die aufgrund ihrer Authentizität und ihres unveränderten Charmes einen Besuch und eine Entdeckungstour wert sind. Vor allem die Hügel hinter Imperia sind für ihre kleinen Siedlungen bekannt. Diese zeichnen sich durch gepflegte, manchmal steinerne Häuser aus. Man erreicht sie über schmale Landstraßen, die oftmals durch reizvolle Olivenhaine führen.

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Home renovation: Government Bonuses

Under the Italian government’s bonuses scheme (“Bonus Ristrutturazioni” and “Ecobonus”) homeowners could benefit from a tax deduction of up to 50% on the expenses related to extraordinary maintenance (i.e bathroom makeover, replacement of windows, internal refurbishment including demolition and reconstruction of partitions and replacing plumbing and electrics) and up to 65% on expenses related to energy upgrades (i.e. reduction of energy needs for heating, thermal improvement of the building, installation of solar panels, replacement of winter air conditioning systems⁠) with the obligation of improving the property’s energy efficiency by two ratings, for example from G to E.

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Sanremo Music Festival 2022

From February 1st to 5th, Italy stops to watch Sanremo Festival, one of the main shows of Italy and worldwide.

It is exciting to see again San Remo enveloped in the festive climate that livens up the entire city. Among the audience of Ariston theatre, walking around the shopping streets, on the boardwalk, at the Casino, parks or other areas that welcome the stars, singers, guests and tourists: the magical festive climate is back everywhere.

The Sanremo Music Festival, now in its 72nd edition, it is presented by the television showman Amadeus, with comedians Fiorello and Checco Zalone as hosts. There will be 25 top Italian singers, like Mahmood, Elisa, Massimo Ranieri, Gianni Morandi, Noemi and many others. Special guests will be the worldwide stars Laura Pausini, Måneskin, Meduza and other international guests that will be announced later on.

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Le nouveau port de Vintimille

A’ “Cala del Forte”, Vintimille, le nouveau Port Touristique, un rêve qui devient réalité !


Photo credit: Sanremonews

Le port a été inauguré le 2 juillet 2021, avec la présence du Prince Albert II e du maire de Vintimille Gaetano Scullino, événement très attendu par les habitants de la ville qui est appréciée par les français et les monégasques pour son marché du vendredi, la mer cristalline, les plages, les restaurants, les boutiques.

Troisième port touristique de la Principauté de Monaco, est un exemple de collaboration transfrontalière qui permettra d’accueillir 178 bateaux à seulement 7,9 milles de Monaco pour satisfaire les demandes d’amarrage et désengorger les longues  listes d’attente des autres ports.

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