West Liguria Tops Blue Flags 2024

Liguria again tops the regional table with 34 blue flags

Clean waters, indeed “excellent”, pristine clear sea and beaches equipped with services, accessible to all and safe: West Liguria maintains its status as a pioneer in sustainable coastline management in 2024, shining once more as a light of environmental excellence in Italy. The Italian Riviera has successfully kept its Blue Flag certification this year, with the highest number of Blue Flag beaches in Italy, demonstrating the dedication to upholding impeccable beach standards and a superior marine environment.

Liguria is followed  from far away by Apulia (24 flags), Campania and Calabria (both with 20 flags), Marche (19 flags), Tuscany (18 flags), Sardinia (15 flags), Abruzzo (15 flags), Sicily (14 flags), Trentino (12 flags), Lazio (10 flags), Emilia Romagna and Veneto (both with 9 flags), Basilicata and Piemonte (both with 5 flags), Lombardia (3 flags), Friuli and Molise (both with 2 flags).

La Spiaggetta dei Balzi Rossi

Blue Flags are international distinctions, created in 1987, with patronage and support from UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Tourism Organisation, which aims to promote a sustainable development at beaches and marinas through strict criteria such as water quality, environmental management, safety and services provided close to or within the beach area. To the Blue Flag Programme participate beaches and marinas in 41 countries of all the world.

2024 Highlights

The list of Blue Flag beaches in West Liguria for 2024 remains impressive. Here some of them: Bordighera, Sanremo, Riva Ligure, Santo Stefano al Mare, San Lorenzo al Mare, Imperia, Diano Marina, Laigueglia, Albisola Superiore. Each location offers unique charms, from quiet coves perfect for families to vibrant stretches with ample amenities for tourists.

So, after the report “Indice del clima” from Il Sole 24 ore who has crowned West Liguria as BEST CLIMATE in Italy based on 10 different weather parameters (days of sun, days of rain, days of strong wind, humidity, etc) calculated over the period 2011 – 2021, today we have the confirmation that Region Liguria has – again – the most pristine and clear waters in Italy.

Invitation to Discover West Liguria

For those considering a visit or potential homebuyers looking for a destination that marries beauty with conscientious environmental management, West Liguria remains a top choice. Our beaches are not just areas of natural beauty but symbols of our community’s dedication to preserving these landscapes for future generations.

At LiguriaHomes Casamare, we are proud to offer properties in this glorious region, where sustainability and quality of life are intertwined. Each Blue Flag we earn is a promise of a cleaner, safer, and more sustainable environment for everyone who visits or calls this place home.

For more information on property options in these pristine locations, please visit our website or contact us at info@liguriahomes.com

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