Italy has 427 top beaches, 9 more than last year. The figures emerge from the 2022 Blue Flag table, which certifies the services and environmental friendliness of coastal and lakeside resorts, as well as the cleanliness of the water.
Blue Flags are international distinctions, created in 1987, with patronage and support from UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Tourism Organisation, which aims to promote a sustainable development at beaches and marinas through strict criteria such as water quality, environmental management, safety and services provided close to or within the beach area. To the Blue Flag Programme participate beaches and marinas in 41 countries of all the world.
Liguria again tops the regional table with 32 blue flags.
A l’ouest de la ville d’Imperia, en Oneglia, vous pouvez trouver un lieu très spécial : le vieux port de la ville caractérisé par les longues quais appelés “Molo lungo” et “Molo corto” et les pittoresques maison au dessus des porches de “Calata Cuneo”.
Calata Cuneo – Imperia
Il y a quelques années, il été principalement un point commercial et industriel exclusif, un vrai centre d’échange des marchandises dans la ville en synergie avec l’activité principale de la région : la précieuse huile d’olive.
Les deux grandes grues utilisés pour charger et décharger les marchandises sont encore présentes dans la zone et sont suggestives, surtout le soir.
Ces dernières années, le vieux port a enfin été ouvert au public, se transformant ainsi en une zone de grand charme, pleine d’attractions gastronomiques et œnologiques grâce aux nombreux restaurants, bars et bars à vin de grande qualité qui attirent les résidents et les touristes pendant toute l’année. La qualité du slow-food d’Imperia à consommer dans un cadre d’une rare beauté sont très appréciés.
Voici quelques-uns des meilleurs restaurants du vieux port d’Oneglia:
Les quais permettent de grandes promenades et offrent des vues spectaculaires sur la mer et la ville, avec un aperçu agréable sur les arcades de Calata Cuneo et les bâtiments colorés centenaires qui donnent sur le vieux port. De plus, dernièrement le port accueille le marché les mercredis et samedis, une touche supplémentaire de vivacité et d’authenticité à ce lieu magique. Grace à ses paysages uniques, le vieux port d’Oneglia a été aussi choisit comme théâtre de l’une des scènes d’ouverture du film “The Bourne Identity” avec Matt Damon.
Venez visiter notre site, vous trouverez nombreuses offres d’appartements et maisons en vente qui vous permettront de profiter de ces endroits merveilleux:
“Вилла Сан Лука”, находящаяся в очаровательном курортном городке Оспедалетти, изначально являлась зданием англиканской церкви, которое было разрушено во времена Второй Мировой Войны и была резиденицей известного эксперта по антиквариату Луиджи Антона Лаура и его супруги Нера. Их семья была вдохновлена исскуством, антиквариатом и коллеционированием.
Photo Credit: Massimo Listri per FAI
Их дом и коллекция были подарены Луиджи Антоном и Нерой (настоящее имя Рената Салези) Итальянскому Экологическому Фонду в 2001-ом году и эти объекты вышли в список 68 предметов всех произведений искусства, принадлежащих данному Фонду по состоянию на июнь 2021 года.
Bordighera, la ” ville des palmiers “, offre de nombreuses promenades. Une promenade à couper le souffle le long du front de mer argentin avec une belle vue qui s’étend jusqu’aux Côtes d’Azur. En alternative, à pied la vieille ville de Bordighera Alta jusqu’au centree Rue Vittorio Emanuele II et Corso Italia. La voie romaine vous emmène ensuite à travers de végétation exotique, hôtels et villas jusqu’au musée Bicknell.
Enfin, une excursion d’environ 3h30 pour découvrir les villages dans l’arrière-pays de Bordighera, entourés de mimosas et de ginester, long du sentier Beodo et de l’ancien aqueduc canal vers l’intérieur atteignant Sasso.
Apres 4 ans de pause à cause de l’émergence covid, il fait son grand retour à Ospedaletti la célébration du circuit historique dédié aux motos d’époques.
L’événement est prévu pour le 4 et 5 juin 2022 mais les organisateurs sont déjà opératifs pour récupérer en grande style les années perdus pour les covid, avec le but de préserver un patrimoine qui décrit la culture et l’histoire de notre pays.
Nombreuses sont déjà les demandes d’inscriptions de champions, pilotes et collectionneurs.
Depuis les premières anticipations, il pourrait faire retour le champion Giacomo Agostini, importante présence, aussi que les autres champions mondiales Freddie Spencer , Dieter Braun , Carlos Lavado , Pierpaolo Bianchi, Eugenio Lazzarini, Hans Georg Anscheidt.
THE CLIMATE Our climate is extraordinarily mild in every season. The town is positioned on a gulf in the Ligurian sea, surrounded by hills and is rich with Mediterranean vegetation. These have contributed to make it one of the most famous climate-friendly resorts in Europe with Nice, with its international airport, only 60 km away. The warm and clean seawater, the beautiful beaches, the vivid and bright colours of the landscape, the facilities which enable visitors to play several aquatic sports and the opportunity to observe cetaceans in their natural habitat guarantee visitors a pleasant and relaxing holiday.
THE CYCLE PATH The Riviera’s railway line was designed to hug the shoreline when it was first built in the 19th century. Since then, the main railway line has been relocated underground, and the former line has been turned into a traffic-free cycling route with nearly unbroken views of the sea for about 24 kilometers. Bikers, pedestrians, and joggers all enjoy this car-free coastal route, which is dotted with palm trees, gardens, and beachside cafés. In Sanremo, there are a plethora of outlets to hire a bike, making the city ideal for bikers of all abilities.
THE BEACHFRONT, THE OLD PORT AND THE MARINA The town overlooks the sea and visitors can walk along its entire length remaining connected to the sea. The centuries-old port has remained active to cater for the fishermen’s boats, whilst the new marina of Portosole, caters for hundreds of yachts from all over the world.
MUSIC AND SHOWS Everybody is aware of the annual Sanremo Song Festival (Festival della Canzone di Sanremo), which has been taking place in February/March for over 70 years. However, musical events and shows are abundant and of a high level during all seasons but most particularly during summer when the entire town becomes involved. These events take place in the piazzas of the historic town, and in open-air theatres. Another regular event which takes place during Spring is the Flower-float parade. It provides an incredible show, a performance dedicated to Sanremo’s spring everlasting and the local floricultural production.
THE CASINO It is one of the oldest in Italy and is housed in a good-looking Art Nouveau building in the town’s best suburb, near the grand hotels. Beside the traditional gambling halls, it has a large area with poker machines. Bars, restaurants, a theatre offering a program of theatre shows and concerts further cater for every form of entertainment.
SHOPPING Sanremo’s shops are rightly famous for their elegance. All the most prestigious names in fashion and perfumerie are represented here, particularly in central Via Matteotti and nearby streets. Shops are often open on Sundays too, and during summer shopping hours extend into the evening. And just outside of town, a short shuttle ride away, is “The Mall Sanremo“, the Riviera’s largest and greatest Outlet shopping center, featuring just about every Italian luxury brand you can think of, from Gucci to Dolce & Gabbana, Giorgio Armani to Versace… all at discounted prices!
THE MEDITERRANEAN DIET Italian cooking is famous worldwide; Ligurian cooking will be a rare find. It consists of simple and tasty ingredients such as fish, vegetables, and herbs seasoned with locally produced olive oil. Ligurian food must be enjoyed with the accompaniment of good local wines – both white and red. There are many restaurants in Sanremo offering a vast selection; from the most sophisticated food to simple yet always excellent pizzas.
ART AND CULTURE Sanremo isn’t just a holiday destination. It also has a history, which is clearly visible in some parts of the town, such as the historic centre which was built on a hill during the middle Ages. Narrow and steep lanes lead to the church from where one can enjoy an exceptional view. The town centre contains some handsome 1600s buildings: one of these houses the town’s civic museum or “Museo Civico”. The Mediaeval cathedral dedicated to San Siro dates back to the thirteenth century, but most buildings were constructed early in the twentieth century in an eclectic and modern style. The characteristic houses of the fishermen can be found in the area around “porto vecchio” as in many Ligurian seaside towns.
VILLAS AND PARKS The period between the “Belle Epoque” and the early post-WW1 years can be rediscovered through a walk which is of historical as well as architectural and botanical interest, starting from Villa Ormond, which is set in a splendid park, past Villa Zirio, where Friedrich the Third, the king of Prussia and the German Emperor lived. Lastly to Villa Nobel, the last residence of the famous Swedish inventor with the same name.
PRISTINE INLAND AND OTHER COASTAL TOWNS A few kilometres from Sanremo there are other lovely seaside towns, which are both elegant and vibrant, and the valleys, which run inland from the coast. Here arise picturesque villages surrounded by olive groves where, time seems to have stalled since the previous century, thus nature flourishes and the local food specialties can be tasted.
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