Happy birthday LiguriaHomes Casamare!

LiguriaHomes Casamare Celebrates 30 Years!



This 2021 sees a very significant step for a brand that have always represented the history of the real estate market in Liguria: since its birth, LiguriaHomes Casamare has been able to grow and establish itself on the market, making innovation, analyzing trends and orienting itself to the international market, pursuing a long-term vision.

To know more about our story, from 1991 to nowadays, please take a look here: www.liguriahomes.com/en/about-us/

2021 Blue Flag beaches: Ligurian sea is AGAIN the most pristine!

2016 Blue Flags

Region Liguria has again the highest number of Blue Flag beaches in Italy.

Clean waters, indeed “excellent”, crystal clear sea and beaches equipped with services, accessible to all and safe: 416 beaches were awarded in Italy, which correspond to 10% of the beaches awarded worldwide.

Blue Flags are international distinctions, created in 1987, with patronage and support from UNEP, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Tourism Organisation, which aims to promote a sustainable development at beaches and marinas through strict criteria such as water quality, environmental management, safety and services provided close to or within the beach area. To the Blue Flag Programme participate beaches and marinas in 41 countries of all the world.

Liguria again tops the regional table with 32 blue flags. 

Continue reading 2021 Blue Flag beaches: Ligurian sea is AGAIN the most pristine!

The new cycle path arrives in Imperia!

A very good news for Imperia: the works for the realization of the new cycle path, which today already counts 24 km of track from Ospedaletti to San Lorenzo al Mare, are ending also in Imperia and in a few months will cross the city of Imperia until Diano Marina.


A very important work that will further enrich our territory and will connect all our Riviera, allowing long walks by the sea to enjoy our famous Ligurian micro-climate. An ecological public transport is also planned to connect Oneglia and Porto Maurizio, avoiding city traffic.

Two new walks also are planned in Imperia: one between Rabina and Galeazza and the other near the Prarola Tower. All works are expected to be completed within the next summer.

Continue reading The new cycle path arrives in Imperia!

Brexit & Second Homes in Italy


The UK’s departure from the EU will have consequences for Brits with second homes in Italy, or for those are looking to buy?

The simply answer is NO: unlike other countries in the EU, as France, in Italy there will be no changes for Brits from 1st January 2021.

Taxation on property in Italy is the same for Italians, EU citizens and non-EU citizens. Same easy rules if you buy, maintain or want to sell your property in Italy, no matter your nationality.

Moreover, considering that tax to pay when you buy a re-sale property and to maintain a property (re-sale or newly built) are calculated on the Tax Value “Valore Catastale” that in Liguria is sensible less (60/70% less) than the Commercial Value, the taxes to pay to buy and to maintain a property along the Italian Riviera are so much less than the ones to be paid in other territories, such as in neighboring French Riviera.

Continue reading Brexit & Second Homes in Italy

Der Radweg führt auch nach Imperia


Wunderbare Neuigkeiten für die Provinz Imperia!

Am vergangenen 8. Juni wurde in Imperia mit dem Bau des Radweges begonnen, der über eine 24 km lange Strecke von Ospedaletti nach San Lorenzo al Mare führt und in einigen Monaten die Stadt Imperia durchqueren wird, bis er Diano Marina erreicht.
Ein sehr wichtiges Projekt, das unseren Landstrich noch attraktiver macht und unsere gesamte Riviera miteinander verbinden wird. Lange Spaziergänge entlang der Strandpromenade, um die schönen ligurischen Tage und Abende zu genießen, werden Sie begeistern. Geplant ist auch ein ökologischer, öffentlicher Shuttle, welcher Oneglia und Porto Maurizio verbinden wird und den Stadtverkehr entlasten soll.

Continue reading Der Radweg führt auch nach Imperia

Welcome to our new office in San Remo

After 17 years at number 24 of the famous Via Matteotti we moved to number 143 on the same high street, into one of the most iconic building of San Remo: “Palazzo Borea d’Olmo”

LiguriaHomes Casamare San Remo


Palazzo Borea d’Olmo is one of the most important Baroque buildings in Liguria. Built during the 15th century this enchanting noble Palazzo assumed its current appearance in the middle of the Baroque period, between the 17th and 18th centuries.

On the south and west facades there are two  marble portals with statues of the “Virgin and Child” and “St. John the Baptist”, works by Fra’ Giovanni da Montorsoli (1507-1563),  a favorite pupil and assistant of Michelangelo Buonarroti. The monumental entrance, in pure Genovese style, features columns and marble balustrades, a short staircase and a harmonious game of vaults. Inside, it is decorated with frescoes by Giovanni Battista Merano (1632 – 1698) and Maurizio Carrega (1737 – 1818). To note, a tiny chapel with marble altar and a statue of the Immaculate Virgin by Giacomo Antonio Ponsonelli.

The Palazzo has shared the vicissitudes of local history for several centuries; it hosted a long series of princes, sovereigns and illustrious men: from Queen Elizabeth of Spain, to King Carlo  Emanuele III, to Jean Honorè Fragonard, to Pope Pius VII, to Prince Philip of Edinburgh.

We wait for you in our real estate agency in San Remo on Via Matteotti n. 143. You can call us at +393349323000 or write an email to info@liguriahomes.com

Here you will find a large selection of properties for sale in San Remo: https://www.liguriahomes.com/en/r/ads/sanremo.html